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HubSpot Updates Summary - January 2025

HubSpot Updates Summary - January 2025

Discover the latest enhancements and features HubSpot rolled out in January to streamline your marketing, sales, and service efforts.


See below!!


Marketing Hub


1.Call workflows

Workflows can be built based on call activity. This is useful for companies that need to ensure certain follow-up procedures after calls which can now be automated.



Unmatched Insights: This is especially useful for businesses carrying out multiple calls. Hopefully this also includes other calling systems that are integrated to HubSpot.  


Who gets it: Marketing Hub Professional, Marketing Hub Enterprise, Operations Hub Professional, Operations Hub Enterprise, Sales Hub Professional, Sales Hub Enterprise, Service Hub Professional, Service Hub Enterprise


2.Improved workflow testing

When workflows go wrong it's something that needs fixing quickly as they have the capacity to affect a large number of records. Therefore it's  important to know what's happened ASAP.


Now, you will see a breakdown of any potential conflicting issues so you can get to the root of the problem straight away!


Unmatched Insights: This is great for problem solving but also as a form of reassurance for anyone getting used to workflows who needs to press the big scary 'on' button.


Who gets it: Marketing Pro, Marketing Enterprise, Ops Pro, Ops Enterprise, Sales Pro, Sales Enterprise, Service Pro, Service Enterprise

3.New Sidebar in the Marketing Email Editor

There's a new sidebar when editing marketing emails. This means easier accessibility and usability of the email builder tools.


Add Sidebar



There's now an 'Email Contents' button the left sidebar with a breakdown of all modules used in the email and hovering over '...' will give you the option to edit the specified module.

Unmatched Insights: We like the 'Template Design' button in the sidebar which makes choosing templates and editing more integrated to the building experience.

Who gets it: All hubs and tiers


4.Content Agent: Better Blog Topic Suggestions

The content agent can now provide a list of the top three blog post ideas when going through AI blog post generation. 

It makes comparing the suggestions easier as previously you could only see one at a time and it now also provides the rationale behind suggesting each topic. 

To use this, head to Content->Blog->Content Agent and then click 'Launch or 'Create blog posts'.

Unmatched Insights: We're looking forward to seeing the AI reasoning behind its suggestions and to see if this will develop as it learns more when we create more.

Who gets it: Professional Customer Platform, Enterprise Customer Platform, Content Pro, Content Enterprise




Sales Hub



 Nothing here yet... 🤫 Come back soon!






Service Hub


1. Help Desk Board Layout

Help desk now offers a new visual layout to make managing tickets more manageable for service teams.  


How to access this view:

-You need a service seat!

-Access via the new layout switcher and select the view you want - board or table- and then hit apply


Unmatched Insights: We like the way this mirrors the previous tickets layout and the drag and drop makes it easy to make updates to tickets.

Who gets it: Service Pro and Service Enterprise, Service Seat required



Smart CRM



1. Configurable invoice presets

For those using HubSpot payments or Stripe, you can now create presets for future invoices for various differing scenarios.

a cartoon style image of an accountant doing invoicing

To do this, head to the customisation tab in invoice settings and select 'create preset'.


What can be customised?:

  • Invoice document title
  • Company information (name and address)
  • Custom fields
  • Comments
  • Tax IDs

-FYI: any automatically created invoices not made through the invoice editor by a user will use the default preset.-


Unmatched Insights: This is handy for instances that require a more specific invoicing style and saves time by allowing you to store numerous templates to hand.


Who gets it: Commerce Hub


2. Import Find & Replace

When doing imports, you can now easily find and replace options that have been flagged as errors and easily change them without leaving the importing tool.

find and replace import errors

1. You'll see this new 'Preview Information' column

bulk updating errors in imports
2 You can easily enforce bulk replacement values


It works the same way as regular importing and when you get to the mapping stage, it will flag any issues that it recognises through scanning the first 1000 rows of your file. When you enforce changes, these will be applied to all rows in your file!


Unmatched Insights: This is a much welcomed update, often there may be anomalies in import files and having to go back and update a few instances is a real pain when you're handling large amounts of data.


Who gets it: All Hubs and Editions







1.AI-generated regular expressions for property validations

Being consistent, ensures your data is both manageable and relevant. Using AI, you can generate regexes that will enforce proper formatting on property validations. 


Expect a message like this when invalid data is inputted:


For example, you could have a form field for phone number and have the regex require that the number starts with the correct country code such as +44. To use this feature, go to the required property, under rules select 'generate regex' to describe the data you want stored on the property field and add any additional validation requirements.

Unmatched Insights: Ensure your help message is clear so that customers understand the requirements and don't get frustrated!

Who gets it: Professional Customer Platform, Enterprise Customer Platform



Other bits...

1.Migrate HubSpot account to new data centers

To ensure full compliancy when storing important and sensitive customer data, it's important to store your data in the correct geographical data center according to your GDPR practices. 


Friends Lol GIF by Max


This is currently open to those with data in HubSpot's U.S East Coast data center wanting to move to another (not currently the other direction). This can be to the following centers:



-United States West

Unmatched Insights: If you do want to move data center, there may be things you need to action before you can do so, head to Account Defaults -> Data Hosting to view these.

Who gets it: All paid customers


2.Unified Data Privacy Request Management

To build both trust and transparency, having your Data Privacy Request page public, assures your contacts that their data is easily accessible to themselves.

Having this page published, allows admins to easily review requests and action them as as required, all within the same tool.


Unmatched Insights: Data requests can be a time-consuming task for busy teams. Having reviewing and actioning within the same area will make this more manageable and decrease the time delays for customers.

Who gets it: All Hubs and Editions